The drastic economic change in America, would be the number one factor influencing my novel. I would talk about the lavish lives that people lived up until this past year. A CEO of Lehman Brothers, Tyler, would possess the leading role in the novel. His personal story would epitomize American citizens who have made credit purchases without thinking of the consequences. Tyler would live in a suburb of New York City with his family. Instead of saving up for his child’s college education, he lived from paycheck to paycheck by using his hard-earned, excessive income to buy frivolous commodities like plasma televisions and 150,000 dollar sports cars. The story would hit a turning point when Tyler loses his job and can’t afford to live his extravagant lifestyle anymore. After this drastic change, the story would show how Tyler managed to bounce back from the situation by living a more frugal life. Throughout the novel, there would be many allusions to the Great Depression, and the same situations that happened before the Great Depression would be used as a parallel to the current economic hardship in America. Prior to the Great Depression, people lived excessive lives and brought unnecessary items with too much credit. Part of the blame can be placed on creditors because they allowed people to use credit who could not afford to pay off their bills. The novel will end five years later when Tyler is back to living the lavish kind of lifestyle he lived in the beginning of the novel. His economic worries will be in the past and he will have forgotten how he ever ended up without a home. Ignorance is bliss.